I have always wanted to wear a big gown with a cute little hat, but never had the guts to do it in real life. Second Life has provided me with an oppotunity to do something I've always fantasized about. It is so trhrilling being able to adjust your appearance and see what you would like like with a different hairstyle or hair color. My mom has green eyes and I have wondered many times what I would have looked like if I had her eyes and I was able to see that through Second Life. Any girl of any age I'm sure would enjoy the makeovers as much as I did if not more. Guys could enjoy it too. We all have wondered at one point or another what we would have looked like in another time period and how certain styles would look on us. Whether we have the guts to try it or not in real life, we can always do it in Second Life.
Here is what I played around with:
Isn't my gown gorgeous??
Gorgeous gown. Where did you get it? Did you make it?